Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Limitations to Information

One of the limitations in writing press releases and articles is understanding the culture and the kind audience that I'm writing for.

For example, my job entails writing stories that bring good public relations to Tech. That doesn't mean I'm ignorant to the realities and actualities that face us. To be quite honest, we acknowledge them and find solutions to resolve them.

I guess when I was interviewing Ruth Stoddard, director of Residential Life, for an upcoming article about a speaker who will be coming to Socorro next month, she stopped from speaking to find a better way of explaining herself. I told her to not worry about what she was going to say, I would work out in trying to make it sound well. In addition, trying to assure her that as it goes on the Tech website, there are others who look at the article first before it goes on the web.

There is a slight bias towards Tech, but it is only as good intentioned as the next institution or company. Let the news companies take care of the controversial news.

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